Message From the President

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank our members and friends for contributing to a successful 2012 season.  Our membership numbers were strong, our lessons and programs were well attended, and our fundraising efforts allowed us to replace our leaking clubhouse roof.

During 2012 we partnered with the Ontario Tennis Association to introduce Kids Tennis into local elementary schools.  Over 1500 children at eight different schools participated in this program.  Look for this program to be renewed in 2013.  Also new in 2012 was our Woods and Whites celebration day.  It was great to see so many supporters out having a fun time and we hope that it will become an annual highlight.

One of our challenges as a seasonal not-for-profit organization is to balance the budget.  We succeeded in 2012 with revenues and expenses of about $70,000.  While the Stratford Tennis Club is stable financially on an operating basis, we do need to fund raise to undertake club renewal projects.  For 2013, the Board has set a fundraising goal of $5000 to allow us to replace the aging flooring.  Members are encouraged to help however they can, whether by cash donation, working at a bingo, recruiting new members, or volunteering their time to help at events.

The club has applied for a Trillium grant for lighting repairs, replacement of the deck, and repaving of the practice wall area.  The successful applicants will be announced in April 2013.

We should all take great pride in our club as it has been a family friendly destination for more than 40 years.  2013 is shaping up to be another excellent year and I look forward to seeing you soon on the courts!

Bob Tamblyn


Bob Tamblyn, President
John Noble, Past President
Lynn Bast, Treasurer
Richard Bast, Secretary
Zdenko Andrekovic
Nancy Chung
Stephen Fischer
Marilyn Holmes
Pat McCarroll
Caryn Scott
Shawna Stonehouse

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