Hello Members,
As the 2012 tennis season draws to a close, we would like to thank you all for a wonderful season. A special thank you for all those who assisted the Club this season; whether by sponsoring a tennis league team, sponsoring the junior tour, making a donation, donating an item for our silent auction, bidding on an item, or just participating in the Club’s activities. The fundraising efforts this season allowed us to replace the clubhouse roof and raise money for other necessary repairs around the Club. Thank you again for helping out your Club.
The Stratford Tennis Club ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 (7:30pm) at the KIWANIS CENTRE.
The annual general meeting is held every November to recap the previous season. The Club’s finances will be discussed as well as what changes to Club programs should be considered. This year we will be updating the Club’s constitution. If you are interested in the proposed changes to the constitution or would consider being a member of the Club’s board of directors contact us through the email on the website or call a current member of the board. If you have any ideas or comments about the Club, if there are any programs you think could be added or subtracted from our season; let us know. It is YOUR Club so YOUR ideas are very valuable to us as we attempt to make YOUR tennis experience the best it can be.
The clubhouse has closed for the season but the nets remain up and many are still getting their tennis fix. The nets will remain up as long as the weather allows. Enjoy the off-season and we hope to see you all again next spring.
BOB TAMBLYN, Club President